Her Highness Sheikha Mozah bint Marwan Al Maktoum
Captain Pilot
Her Highness Sheikha Mozah bint Marwan Al Maktoum’s achievements are just as impressive as her family lineage. The youngest in her class at the Oxford Aviation, she was only 17 when she was admitted. She obtained her commercial pilot license first and then later joined the Dubai Police Airwing as First Lieutenant Pilot, becoming the first woman in the UAE and the Gulf Region, and the first member of the Royal Family in aviation. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Air Transport Management from Coventry University, UK, and Emirates Aviation University. Recently promoted to Captain Pilot, she continues to work hard outside her duties and her ambitions are only matched by her determination to create a legacy of her own, opening doors and enabling other women to enter a career in aviation. With this mission in mind, she set in motion the establishment of “Shehana”, the Women in Aviation Association, with the sole purpose to create a framework of inclusivity for women in aviation and aerospace. Her focus on youth and equality has led her to author a children’s book celebrating key women in aviation in a journey across history and around the world. She hopes to inspire young girls and remind them that there is a space for them in every field they may choose. The book will be released internationally in the fall of 2023.
Her motto is: “Reach altitude with the right attitude”.
17 November 2023 | 11:05 - 11:20 | Opening Keynote: The Future We Create - Flying towards Inclusivity
Captain Pilot and founder of Shehana, the women in aviation association, Her Highness will share her inspirational journey to becoming the first woman pilot of the Dubai Police Airwing and her commitment to use her experience as a door opener for the next Generation. A personal journey to inspire youth to take tangible actions towards an equitable future. Tangible Leadership skills, finding opportunity in adversity, positive thinking for positive actions.