Estelle Godard

Deep-Tech / Space Investor

Promus Ventures

Estelle is an investor on the Promus Ventures team, focused on early-stage deepetch investments. She previously worked for the European Space Agency, CNES, and the United Nations. Estelle holds a Dual Bachelor’s in Social and Political Sciences from Sciences Po Paris and the University of British Columbia in Vancouver (UBC), and a Master’s in Economics and Public Policy from Science Po Paris.



15 November 2023 | 12:30 - 13:10 | Panel : Investing in the future of space

Discussing regional and international investment trends in the space industry. What funding options are available for space startups? What are investors looking for in upcoming startups. What opportunities lie ahead for space startups? Our panel of space industry investors will answer all your questions.

Aerospace 2050

15 November 2023 | 13:55 - 14:25 | Panel: New space revolution

As startups aim beyond earth, investors are now putting more money than ever before in space technology and space development. During this session our speakers will highlight​

How to build an ecosystem of space startups to serve the country’s space projects and plans. Which sector of the space industry is particularly of interest to investors and what are the recent investment trends in the space industry? What are the challenges faced by space startups and what can stakeholders in the industry do to support?

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